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Pregnant Groups

At older times when pregnancy and labour were considered totally natural procedures, women shared their emotions and fears with other women that had experienced this phase, mitigating their concerns and expressing their feelings without feeling isolated. Today it is essential for the woman and her partner/husband to get prepared for the pregnancy period, so that the couple and not only the woman will get valid information on pregnancy, labour and the arrival of the child. Every couple wishing to get informed and smoothly adapt themselves to their new duties can receive substantial help by this kind of programmes.

Preparation programmes include information and counselling sessions on pregnancy, labour and parenthood. During these group or private sessions the couple has the opportunity to elaborate on questions, express their anxiety, fears, insecurity but also their expectations regarding pregnancy and the birth of a new person. Main goal of this preparation is to enable the couple to face birth as a natural event and get prepared for it, as well as to receive appropriate information for a smooth transition to the role of the parent.

Fainareti provides a number of informative sessions of preparation for pregnancy, parenthood, adaptation of the newborn and breast-feeding.

  • Are you wondering if all that happens in your body is natural?

  • Do you find the changes in your body difficult?

  • Do you feel anxiety or fear for the development of your pregnancy?

  • Do you feel anxiety for the labour?

  • Do you want to know how you can relax and help your body during labour?

  • Are you concerned about how well you can satisfy the needs of the newborn?

  • Do you want to know how you can help the newborn to adapt in the best possible way?

  • Do you need advice on how you can organise best your time during postpartum?

  • Do you want to know about the emotional changes that you'll experience then?

  • Are you concerned about the changes that may occur in the relationship with your partner?

  • Would you like to share your feelings and thoughts with a group of people that go through a similar period in their lives?

The Preparation Programme for Couples regarding Labour and Parenthood implemented at the Day Centre is designed to train and inform future parents on various issues regarding pregnancy, labour and adaptation of the newborn. This Programme includes private and group sessions of theoretical and experiential nature. It is not limited to learning new methods known as "painless childbirth", but aims at a comprehensive emotional and physical preparation of the pregnant and her partner for the labour and their role as a parent.

Besides the information and knowledge provided, participation in groups may have a supportive function and create a feeling of security, particularly in couples that will become parents for the first time. One significant benefit is that future mothers going through the same phase of pregnancy have the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange experiences. Many women that get to know each other in the groups keep contact after labour, supporting one another in the coming phases.

The basic parts of the Programme are the following:

Α. For pregnancy

Β. For labour:

C. For postpartum

D. For Mental health during Perinatal Period

The Preparation Programmes for Couples regarding Labour and Parenthood can also be followed by other members of the family or friends in order to support the couple.

Every couple or pregnant may participate in such a programme after the 12th week of pregnancy following the information procedure and the personal health background procedure. For the best possible service, it is recommended to participate in Fainareti's programme as soon as possible before completing the 28th week.

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